More Franglais

Thursday 21. 11. 19 I had forgotten to put these up. Today working on various paintings for the Whitton Project and others which need to dry before I head to Canada in December.

Whitton Boys’

Friday 09. 11. 19 Finished a painting of where I went to school from 8 – 11. Unfortunately it has been removed without a trace!

And yet another one

Saturday 26. 10 19 I seem to have spent all this week working on my Whitton series but as yet haven’t actually finished one!

Here is the latest Franglais showing how I need to pronounce la rue!

Another Franglais

Monday 21. 10. 19 I have been busy this week with Christmas cards, Christmas paintings as presents, Poppy’s birthday card etc., etc. so only managed this one collage. Hopefully next week I can get back to my projects!

Busy week


Sunday 22. 09. 19 It has been a busy week. Marie-Pierre and Olivier dropped by en route back to Bordeaux from Geneva but I managed to do another Franglais and also worked on a couple of Whitton paintings.

Voyages autour ma chambre

Wednesday 21. 08. 19 This was inspired by reading the Xavier de Maistre book of the same name. It is quite big 154 x 84 cm. I will eventually make it into 4 books.