Like Old Times

Thursday 18. 07. 2024 I decided to redesign the cover of a book of poems I was reading. I didn’t think the original cover reflected the character and vigor of the poems!

Farthest Day

Wednesday 26. 02. 2024
According to my friend Tess, today is the farthest day from Christmas! Start your countdown now!

Grammaire Anglaise

Friday 21. 06. 2024
Had an interesting discussion on English grammar. Maybe French grammar next week.!


Tuesday 18. 06. 2024
Not a lot of people in the Alain Resnais cinema this evening to see an American film called Memory in VO.

A Tasty Meal

Monday 10. 05. 2024 Michael and Eileen from TO are staying with me for a week. We enjoyed this meal at the Charleston last night.

A Wet Welcome

Wednesday 15. 05. 2024

Arrived back to a wet day in Clermont on Monday. It rained all day yesterday but brightened up today for the market. Had coffee with Marg & Stan and Maddy & David.


Easter Sunday 31. 03. 2024 St Paul’s was quite full with more younger adults and their children. Nice to see.