Autumn in France
All these paintings of various sizes were done in and around Clermont-L’Hérault.
Cottage Paintings
All these small paintings are oils on 8″ x 10″ canvas board. They are all of Georgian Bay or the Muskokas in Ontario.
This is a series of paintings that I created for my friends in November – December 2006. They are all 8″ x 10″ oil paintings of the major intersections nearest their homes.
Large Paintings
Nova Scotia
All these paintings were painted in April 07 on a cold road trip to Nova Scotia. They are all oil 8″ x 10″ oil on canvas board.
I made these paintings on a trip to Assynt in northwest Scotland in February 2007. Assynt is a relatively remote part of Scotland north of Ullapool with a bare and rugged beauty. I stayed at Buailard which is a very reasonable and comfortable croft overlooking the bay at Cuilken. These sketches will form the basis for larger works.
congratulations again for your work.
I took the Via train Toronto-Jasper-Prince Rupert, in May this year. Then the BC Ferry south to Port-Hardy. Bus to Comox. ferry to Vancouver then stayed with my son who lives in Whistler.
I took many photos! Will email you few.