Franglais Encore

Friday 24. 05. 2024 Had the usual animated two hours speaking Franglais!!!!

Clermont Cafés

Sunday 17. 05 2024
Les Négotiants has still not reopened, so I have been going to Le Charleston.

A Wet Welcome

Wednesday 15. 05. 2024

Arrived back to a wet day in Clermont on Monday. It rained all day yesterday but brightened up today for the market. Had coffee with Marg & Stan and Maddy & David.

A Night Out

Saturday 27.04.2024 Went with Julia, Carole and Clive to see this last night. An excellent performance.


Sunday 21. 04. 2024 Spent a great weekend in Peterboro with the Mahers and Jo.


Monday 08. 04. 2024 Spring has come and gone! photo courtesy Bree WIng


Easter Sunday 31. 03. 2024 St Paul’s was quite full with more younger adults and their children. Nice to see.