Learning French

Thursday 15. 04. 10 Yesterday I went with Gisèle to what I thought was a gourmet wine tasting but turned out to be a high class tupper ware party. We went to the Domaine de la Tour which is a rather grand looking house on a hill overlooking Nebian. Instead of standing around sampling wine we were subjected to a spiel about high end German cookware and cutlery. Good for the French but for me ultimately deadly boring. However after a couple of hours we come away with a bottle of wine and a jar of paté each. Today instead of staying in at the Accueil we had a field trip. We drove out to St Jean de la Blaquière, parked and then had a walk down to the river which is known locally as a miniature version of the Colorado. As we walked Alain pointed  out the various wild flowers, aromatic herbs  and edible plants found there, some of which we sampled. It was the perfect Spring day, sunny but not too hot. After lunch I decided that it was such a lovely day that I drove out to St Jean de Fos and Aniane and shot lots of photos of various white vans. In the evening instead of going to my life drawing class I went up to George and Laurene’s for aperos and caught up on their recent trip to Italy.

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