Jour de Poisson

Sunday 02. 04. 2023 Or April Fool’s Day.
Yesterday I had an email from George saying that he had gone by my house in Clermont and noticed a padlock on my front door with a note from the town hall about my property taxes. I immediately panicked thinking that for some reason my bank had not paid them! Then I sent an email to Philippe who was in Paris asking him to read the note and perhaps go to city hall and see what it was all about. I told all this to George in an email.

George responded by saying ‘April Fool’! Phew, I was really and truly had! And relieved that it was all a joke!

A pain in the arm!

Wednesday 22. 03. 2023 Woke up at 5 this morning with a pain in my upper chest and arm. After consulting with family and Kathleen, my family doctor, I decided to go over to ER at the hospital. Julia drove me over and stayed with me. 5-1/2 hours later, I came home relieved that I had not had a heart attack! It seems that it might be muscular. I’m seeing Kathleen on 13 April and she will have all the data from my previous visit to her, so hopefully we’ll figure out what is going on! The excitement of aging!


Friday 17. 03. 2023 Early morning greeting from Clermont.

Cabbagetown dinner

Friday 17. 03. 2023 Julia and I went over to Debra and Richard’s last night for a delicious dinner. It was great to catch up. It has been a while!


Thursday 16. 03. 2023 On Tuesday I slipped on the step getting on the bus and dove headfirst into the bus! Luckily I escaped with just bruises altho I am having some problems now dressing with one hand! Oh the perils of old age!

Thunder snow

Saturday 04. 03. 2023 Had another 20cms last night. This time with thunder and lightning which is very unusual!

Spring is on its way

Tuesday 21. 02. 2023 The weather was so mild on Sunday that we (Carole, Julia, Daisy & I) decided to go down to the lake for a stroll. It felt good to be outside!

It has been a while…

Saturday 18. 02. 2023 Tomasz came over to dinner last night. I think it must be nearly 10 years. I first met him when he was 4 and he is now 40! We had a very sociable evening and he told us all about his work in the library at York. He has an interesting life.

Meaning of Prayer

Sunday 12. 02. 2023 Went to an interesting workshop at St Paul’s yesterday from 10 – 2.30. It was lead by Bishop Jenny and was very open and very interesting. There were about 25 of us of varying ages. It took place in one of the many rooms in the church. Coffee and cookies were available and we all had a very tasty lunch – $10 all included!

A very stimulating experience!