From the lake to the sea

Thursday 08. 10. 20 Spent the afternoon working on these two. Lac du Salagou and Rob’s apples in Nova Scotia.

Lac du Salagou

Monday 05. 10. 20 This small painting is based on a photo that I took the day Marie-Pierre, Olivier and I went to the lake for a swim. Juliette from Les Négociants was also there that day so I will be giving it to her for Christmas when I have finished it.


Sunday 04. 10. 20 Worked on this portrait of Agathe et Antoine today.


Saturday 03. 10. 20 This self portrait is going to serve as the base for my Christmas card this year. I have also booked my flight to Toronto on 27 November which gives me time for quarantine before Christmas.

Even the trams have masks!

Tuesday 29. 09. 20 I have been in Montpellier today. I went to see the Canadian Impressionists exhibition at the Musée Fabre. An excellent expo showing Canadian paintings pre Group of 7. There were some interesting early paintings by Lawren Harris in the show. Well worth seeing.

Chez Galinette

Friday 25. 09. 20 Haven’t been in the studio much for a few days as I had Marie-Pierre and Olivier visiting but yesterday and today have been quite busy. Besides these hats at Chez Galinette in Pezenas I have also been working on my Christmas card, some paintings as Christmas gifts and another Man in the Café.


Friday 18. 09. 20 Had a good Franglais meeting today.

A Perfect day

Thursday 17. 09. 20 Went to the café at 10 for my noisette, came home, did my exercises, rode over to Lac du Salagou for a swim and then had a very pleasant ride over to St Saturnin to replenish my wine cellar. And tonight off to the guinguette in Plaissan for dinner. Quelle vie!