House guests



Monday 30. 12. 2013 Besides our French guests we also had another – Jake. Daisy was looking after him whilst Maryann and Greg were in the UK for Christmas.

Between Christmas & New Year


Sunday 29. 12. 13 We are all just relaxing after all the festivities and before Tuesday night. The snow is melting and the crowds are slowing diminishing.

Ice storm



Sunday 22. 12. 13 Ice storm last night so wet and slippery outside today. Did the above view from the front window of Carlton Street.

Toronto Christmas


Wednesday 18. 12. 13 Snow starting to melt today but think that there will more by the weekend. It is very busy here in the city  – quite a contrast to Clermont.



Sunday 15. 12. 13 Went to two carol concerts today – the first at St Pauls and the second at Manor Rd with an all boy’s choir.



Saturday 14. 12. 13 Snow storm in TO today but Santa managed to get downtown!

Christmas in Toronto



Friday 13. 12. 13 I have been back in Toronto for a week now. Busy catching up with friends and getting ready for Christmas.

Christmas Lights



Tuesday 03. 12 13 Coming home late last night noticed that the local Christmas lights are up and running with of course the ubiquitous white van!